Day Thirteen- Our last day :(

We woke up early that morning to say our goodbyes to our newest friend and to pack all our things for the long trip home ahead. We took the long car ride back to Harare where our adventure had begun. We then returned our car back to the rental place. To make sure we had not left anything behind, we all checked through our bags and we had successfully kept track of everything we had brought, plus gained some neat souvenirs on the way. As we boarded our flight, we looked back at the beautiful land and at the smiling faces of all the Zimbabweans that had been nothing but hospitable through our entire trip. We reflected back on our adventures and took much away from our experiences. The memories and experience Zimbabwe had brought us led us to believe we were going to visit again. The people are determined and friendly, and we constantly felt like our presence was a special treat to everyone. People took such interest in us and were constantly polite. Zimbabwe should be added to anybody and everybody's bucket list because of the adventures we shared by being here just a few days.

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