Day Ten-Museums + More!
Today we packed our bags and took off for Bulawayo! In Bulawayo we planned on visiting a few museums and some other places. First we visited the Natural History Museum. This educational trip taught us about how Zimbabwe was founded, the empires, the history of the economy, and many other facts. Zimbabwe was first granted independence on April 18, 1980 by the United Kingdom after the Bush War. The Lancast House Agreement made this independence official. The museum also had parts about their prime minister Mugbe. Next we visited the National University of Science and Technology. The technology in Zimbabwe is not near as up to date as the technology we experience in the states. Scientists do not have the equipment or enough education to even bring along new and exciting technologies. Underground pipe systems were about as complex as Zimbabwe got. They took us through a tour about this system, what it was, and how it worked. After these exciting stops we went back to the hotel and got some rest.