By majority decision, we decided to stay in Kariba yet another day and see Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls was absolutely beautiful. The many waterfalls that fell over the rocks were topped off with a full rainbow. The park was huge and very green. Trees and herbs that surrounded it made it all the better. In certain areas of the Falls, bungee jumping took place. We happened to pass one of these areas and try the sport out. Bungee jumping seemed boisterous and rebellious, so we could not miss out on the fun. Katie went first and screamed the whole way down. She mentioned that the stomach dropping feeling was probably the best part. It was a rush of freedom and flying combined in one. Everything just rushed by as you drop down to the bottom of the bungee cord. Marybeth went next, freaked out the whole way down, and agreed that it was the experience of a lifetime. Shortly following her went Dan, Brittany, and last, Travis. It was much agreed that people that have not tried this enlivening, frightening activity are truly missing out.